A Forever Embrace


2012Jan31“…I am with you always…” – Jesus (Matt. 28:20)

“Just one more hug, just one more hug,” my 11-year-old said after I tucked him into bed. Because I have three older sons who are now turning into men, I know this begging for “just one more hug” will not last for long. But, in the meantime, I am enjoying it!

Last week, in the midst of a big bear hug, he whispered, “This is the best part of my day…”, and when we let go of our embrace he said, “…and letting go is the worst part of my day.” That kind of talk does a momma’s heart good, and I soaked in the love of those words expressed so sincerely.

As I pondered those words later, I thought about my time in my Heavenly Father’s embrace. The Creator of the Universe who is in control of all things is available to me, his child, at a moment’s notice. Through prayer and the Word and the leading and comfort of the Holy Spirit, He wraps His arms around me daily. That’s awesome. The question is, Am I staying there long enough? Or, like a child who squirms out of his loving daddy’s arms with his eyes on his toys, do I run on towards my day distracted by the stuff of life?

I have found the seasons that I do spend more time with him, I just want more of Him. The fullness of His Presence, joy and peace are indescribable. He speaks to me when I am still enough to hear. And the problems and challenges of the world fade as I fix my eyes on Him. Yes, the best times of my day are when I’m in His embrace.

This is a prayer I like to pray as I sit down to spend time with Him in the morning, Bible in hand:

Speak, Lord, in the stillness, while I wait on Thee,
Hushed my heart to listen in expectancy.
Speak, oh Blessed Master, in this quiet hour,
Let me see thy face, Lord, feel they touch of power.
For the words thou Speakest, they are life, indeed,
Living bread of Heaven now my spirit feed.
Speak, thou servant heareth! Be not silent, Lord;
Waits my soul upon Thee, For the quickening word.

– Author unknown, as quoted by Mrs. Charles Cowan, in Streams of the Desert


Thank you, Father, for your love and faithful care. Being in your Presence is the best part of my day. And I’m thankful I never have to let go. When I rush past you to my to-do list, remind me you are there. Teach me more how you are with me in all the “dailys” of life, and help me to live in the power, joy, and peace of your embrace each day. Amen.

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1 Comment on A Forever Embrace

  1. Stephanie Fetrow
    February 2, 2012 at 1:57 pm (12 years ago)

    Great reminder for me as a child of God & as a mother to my children to make sure I always give both the attention they deserve & need. Thanks Brenna!