Taking That PERFECT Fireworks Picture on Your Smartphone


Capture your best fireworks pics ever tonight on your smartphone…

Use BURST MODE – On recent iPhones and Samsung Galaxy phones, hold down your finger on the shutter and dozens of photos will shoot in quick succession.Your phone will display what it deems is the best shot. To see all the images, click “select” under the one displayed image. You can then click on other images you would also like to save.

Note: Your camera will need a little breathing room between taking bursts to let the memory catch up. 

Using a recent iPhone?

Shoot with Apple’s LIVE PHOTOS enabled. The camera will record a few seconds of video footage on top of your photo. The photos will look cool on the phone, but hard to share as regular .JPG photos on social media. Only friends with Facebook for iPhone or iPad will be able to see the photo as a Live photo.

To post on Instagram, you may post a LIVE PHOTO taken within the last 24 hours by converting it:

  • Select it.
  • Press firmly on the middle of the screen. You should see a white revolving circle appear, followed by the words “Boomerang”.
  • The Live Photo has now been converted to a Boomerang loop.

Options for posting to Instagram:

  • Post to Your Story: Tap “Your Story”.
  • Send it to a friend: Tap “Send To” and select your friends, then tap “Send” at the bottom.
  • Make an Instagram Post: Tap “Save”, then back out to the main Instagram menu and tap “+” to make a new post. Tap Library” and look for the 6-second video you just saved.

ANOTHER COOL TRICK (but not the best for posting on social media):

Swipe up on your LIVE PHOTO image for these options: Loop, Bounce, or Long Exposure.

  • Loop runs the video over and over again.
  • Bounce runs it forward, then backward.
  • Long Exposure brings a slow shutter look, which can look really cool for fireworks photos.

Have a blessed holiday, and happy snapping!


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